Frequently Asked Questions

How does Hometown Pumping accept payment?

The easiest way to pay for your service is with your card throughour PCI Compliant payment portal. We will send you an email to securely input your card!

How quickly can I get my septic pumped?

Please call or text us in case of emergency (508) 216-6278 and we will dispatch a technician ASAP. For routine pumps, we can typically schedule you within 1-14 days, or whenever works best for your schedule!

How often should you empty a septic tank? What are the signs that your septic tank is full?

Your septic tank should be pumped every 1-2 years depending on the use. A common residential home with 4 people should be pumped at least every 18 months. The tank is not completely emptied as there are naturally occurring elements, liquids and bacteria, that remain within the tank at all times to keep it working. The signs that your tank is full are: backup sewage in drains, changes to your lawn including flooding, and foul odors inside and outside your home.

Do you really need to pump your septic tank?

Septic tank maintenance is important to keep your tank functioning properly. Pumping every 1-2 years will prevent expensive replacements years down the road. Homeowner’s insurance will be voided if the tank is neglected.

What happens if a septic tank is not pumped?

If the tank is not pumped regularly, the sewage will back up into your home and the system can start to leak. Repairs to a broken or leaking septic tank can cost thousands depending on what needs to be fixed and can cause damage to the lawn. Maintaining the tank yearly can prevent severe issues that arise due to neglect.

Can my tank be pumped without digging?

Depending on where your cover is located, digging may not be necessary. Some tanks are located at grade or just a few inches below. Other tank covers are located 12+ inches in the ground. Risers are available to bring the cover back up to the surface. Once risers are installed, digs are no longer required to pump.

How do I clean my septic tank naturally?

Bacteria additives like BIO-REM and CCLS can help keep your drains unclogged and your tank running optimally by adding the necessary bacteria back to the tank. Good bacteria in the tank can be killed by cleaning supplies and soaps. BIO-REM and CCLS keeps the balance at a healthier level. Regular pumping is still required.

How big are septic tanks, usually? How many years does a septic tank last?

The most common tank sizes for residential homes in Massachusetts are 1) 1500 gallons, 2) 1000 gallons, 3) 2000 gallons. It is easy to check with the town health department to confirm the tank size and Hometown Pumping will always confirm with the town if it is unclear. A well maintained septic tank can last anywhere from 15 to 40 years.

What is bad for septic systems?

Anything that is not biodegradable is bad for a septic tank. This includes: cigarette butts, paint, paint thinners, insect and weed killers, disposable diapers, disposable wipes, paper towels, plastics, gasoline, motor oils, cat litter, coffee grounds, dental floss, sanitary napkins or tampons. Cleaning supplies that are used high quantities can disrupt the balance of the septic system by killing the good bacteria that breaks down solids. If you have a garbage disposal you can also overwhelm the system with too many solid foods, fats, and grease.

What happens if you never pump your septic tank? What happens if septic tank gets too full?

A neglected septic tank will fill up in about 5 years. If your septic tank becomes too full of solid waste, the sludge can overflow into the pipes of the drainfield. Once solid waste clogs up these pipes, the drainfield will not work properly - the water not flow through the pipes as designed and instead can pool in a particular area Once this happens, the tank will have to be completely replaced.

How do I know if my septic field is failing?

There are a few indications to a failing septic field. These include strong odor, slow drains, clogs and backups, or a soggy lawn near the septic tank.

How much does it cost to replace a 1000 gallon septic tank?

Depending on the type of system, a new 1000 gallon septic tank can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $9,000.

Hometown Tips

Water Conservation

Checking your home for leaky pipes and toilets can help conserve water and keep your water bill down. Use leak detection dye tablets near your toilet and other pipes. If the dye becomes visible after 10 minutes. There is a leak.

Avoid letting your hose run continuously when using it to wash your car or other items outside, when watering your lawn, or when cleaning your driveway. Try using a water bucket with soap for cleaning, a broom for your driveway, and being mindful and efficient when watering plants.

Use a low flow showerhead and faucet head.

Use a rain sensor so your sprinkler system won’t water the lawn while it’s raining.

Many towns offer incentives and rebates for keeping your septic system efficient and your water usage down.

Mansfield offers rebates for replacing and upgrading your washing machine, dishwasher, toilet, urinals, home filtration systems and lawn sprinklers. Contact the Town of Mansfield, Public works to learn more about this Water Conservation Rebate program. Check in with your hometown to find out if they offer any similar programs!

Medications and Your Septic System

If there are people in your home who regularly use medications, especially on a long term basis, you should make sure to stay up to date on regular septic pumps. Certain medications that are not fully metabolized by the body, like antibiotics or chemotherapy treatments, may make their way through to your tank and disrupt the good bacteria in the septic system. This makes solids build up quicker - which need to be physically removed by a routine pump.